Horoscope: Saturday, Jul 27

Daily Horoscope: Saturday, Jul 27.


Mar, 21 - Apr, 19

Someone new will come into your life today and the thrill you feel when they are close will make you wonder if you are falling in love. Maybe you are, but more likely you are so on the same emotional wavelength that their mere presence excites you.

Do you commit yourself to a new plan or project? Of course you do. At this time of year you find it easier than usual to make new friends and get involved in group activities. What is it that inspires you? Dedicate yourself to it.


Apr, 20 - May, 20

You may not be as open about your feelings as some people are but that does not mean you don’t have them. If you keep your emotions bottled up inside you this weekend there is a danger you might explode. Find safe ways to let off steam.


May, 21 - Jun, 20

Do you feel like your life hasn't changed a bit over the past few weeks? You feel that certain things need to change but you do nothing but sit there. Today, Gemini, there will be a lot of influences that could incite you to be a little more foolhardy. You don't usually like to take risks, but if you do it, you'll be greatly satisfied.


Jun, 21 - Jul, 22

If you've been working toward manifesting extra money in your life, Cancer, you will probably see it happen today. Copious physical and emotional energy gives your inner power of mind over matter a special impetus, and you might see the results you've wanted in finance and other matters. Professional interests should also be going well, as well as any personal projects. Keep up the good work!


Jul, 23 - Aug, 22

You should be in a wonderfully laid-back mood at the moment and nothing will happen to change it. There will still be challenges, of course, but the bigger the test the more you will like it – you enjoy showing you have what it takes.

You are full of energy at the moment but there is also a danger that in your lust for life you could take on too many tasks and exhaust yourself over the next few days. Quality is always preferable to quantity, so be choosy in what you do.


Aug, 23 - Sep, 22

Don’t stop to analyze your motives or your desires, just get on and do what your instincts tell you is right. Be brave, be bold and be ready for setbacks as well as successes – it’s the former that make the latter worth having.

You are not the sort to give in to threats but it might be wise to bend a little this week and give others what they keep demanding from you. If they want it that bad they must be in quite a state. You’re allowed to feel sorry for them.


Sep, 23 - Oct, 22

Not everyone can be as confident as you, so make allowances for those who seem reluctant to follow your lead. Actually, a little caution may be no bad thing as the planets warn this is not the sort of day to take too many risks.

If you apply yourself diligently today there is every chance that you will come into some cash. Don’t sell yourself short when it comes to marketing your skills. Decide how much they are worth then insist that you get it – and you will.


Oct, 23 - Nov, 21

Before you start something new you should ask yourself if it is really what you want to be doing. According to the planets you may have allowed yourself to be talked into it by those who don’t understand your needs. Give it some thought.

With both the Sun and Mercury moving into your fellow Water sign of Pisces today you will soon feel a spring in your step again. And if you can add a smile to your face to go with it you will find that even your opponents love you.


Nov, 22 - Dec, 21

When you talk, you want other people to listen, Sagittarius. More than likely, your thoughts will drift toward humanitarian ideas and philosophies. You're eager to share your ideas with others, and you may have a utopian dream that, if everyone just followed, would make the world a much better place. People may make fun of you for having such a perspective, but this definitely doesn't mean that you should stop dreaming.


Dec, 22 - Jan, 19

Your attitude is remarkably positive at the moment and for once you are not in the least bit reserved. Not everyone will agree with your aims but that won’t worry you in the slightest. You’re in one of those “can-do” moods that make all things possible.


Jan, 20 - Feb, 18

The opportunity to make a change in your life, which you may have been contemplating for a long time, could finally manifest itself today, Aquarius. This could be a move to a new neighborhood, a return to school for an advanced degree, an entirely new profession, or all of the above. Whichever it is, expect to spend a lot of time throughout the day discussing it with friends and family. Then move ahead with whatever plans you have.


Feb, 19 - Mar, 20

Today you and the other members of your household might discuss the possibility of making some changes, Pisces. This could involve some redecorating or remodeling or even something as mundane as a thorough cleaning. However, it could also involve the possibility of moving to a completely different place. The need for change in your surroundings is apparent, so don't hesitate. Go ahead and initiate the first steps!