Horoscope: Friday, Oct 18

Daily Horoscope: Friday, Oct 18.


Mar, 21 - Apr, 19

There is no point worrying about your financial situation because there is nothing you can do to change it. What’s more, the approaching full moon means you don’t have to. What happens over the next 48 hours will resolve your predicament.

You may be independent by nature but if a friend or family member tries to dissuade you from taking a certain course of action today you must give them a fair hearing. Chances are they have spotted a problem that you, in your haste, have overlooked.


Apr, 20 - May, 20

You always seem to be on the go, and that’s fine, but today you would be wise to slow right down and give both your body and your mind time to recuperate. You’ve been through a lot in recent weeks and need to restore some balance.

Listen to what your inner voice tells you, then take prompt and positive action. The only person who knows what you need is you, so the more others try to make plans for you the more you must insist they mind their own business.


May, 21 - Jun, 20

It might feel like your home has turned into Grand Central Station. Lots of visitors, messengers, and others are going to drop by, and you may just want to watch TV or read a book. This could lead to some understandable irritation. However, be your usual polite self. If possible, get a family member to screen your callers. You might be frustrated, but you don't want to offend anybody.


Jun, 21 - Jul, 22

The message of the stars this weekend is that you will get more out of life if you focus on things that give pleasure to you rather than on things you feel you have to do to please other people. Is that selfish? Maybe, but so what?

The old ways may be annoying but that does not mean you should throw the past in the garbage can and start again from scratch. If that is how you are feeling at the moment you need to get a grip on yourself. Evolution is better than revolution.


Jul, 23 - Aug, 22

People in positions of power are already impressed by your devotion to duty and what you begin in the early days of 2018 will impress on them your creativity too. You’ve got what it takes to be the best at what you do. So do it.

Something that amuses you today won’t amuse those who see life from a more serious angle, but don’t let that stop you having a few laughs. Some people are so ridiculously solemn that it can be hard to resist winding them up a bit.


Aug, 23 - Sep, 22

The special someone in your life may be having some trouble with colleagues. Don't just comfort him or her, Virgo. It's unlikely that your sweetie wants sympathy. Solutions are needed. If you don't have any, just be a good listener. It's important for you to get out and exercise. If the weather is good, take a walk. If not, attend an exercise class. You'll feel better.


Sep, 23 - Oct, 22

Venus, planet of values, moves into the career area of your chart this weekend, making it easier to reconcile the private and public parts of your life. You won’t go wrong if you always remember that people are more important than things.

You may believe that someone has been using unfair tactics to get ahead on the work front but unless you have proof to back up your suspicions you are advised not to say anything about it just yet. Watch and wait and, above all, stay calm.


Oct, 23 - Nov, 21

Your engine may sputter this morning as your gears begin to turn, Scorpio. It could be that you're working out something important in you mind that's helping clarify your emotions. The answer you seek is probably nothing like the one you'll find. By the time night comes, you'll have everything figured out. All the answers you need will be right there in front of you.


Nov, 22 - Dec, 21

Venus moves into the partnership area of your chart this week, which means you will be in the mood for love in a big way. If there is someone you fancy don’t wait for them to make the first move – be bold and sweep them off their feet.

As the dawn of another quiet and peaceful day appears, Sagittarius, you will be in the best disposition to observe and appreciate the lightness of things. Life can seem so beautiful on some days. You will benefit from this state of mind, because you'll be able to meditate. But be careful not to start reminiscing about sad memories. Keep things light and calm.


Dec, 22 - Jan, 19

Do not – repeat, not – be taken in by some kind of sob story today. You should know by now that tales of woe are more often than not designed to part you from your hard-earned cash. Keep your money in your pocket where it belongs.

Cosmic activity in and around the career area of your chart means you are determined to make your mark, and if that means being ruthless with other people then so be it. You don’t have time for amateurs, you demand professionalism from everyone.


Jan, 20 - Feb, 18

Don’t think about giving up on something that is proving a tough nut to crack. According to the planets you are very close to a breakthrough but if you give up now you will always wonder what might have been. Stick with it!

You will need to get the support of family members and your closest friends for what you are planning to do because you won’t get far without assistance. Persuade them that what you desire for yourself will also be good for them. It may even be true!


Feb, 19 - Mar, 20

Action is the word of the day. Whether you're initiating it or feeling the brunt of it, you'll be caught up in the vortex of it. Try not to lose your tempter today, Pisces, and don't be surprised if people act rashly and insensitively. Perhaps this is their way of saying they need you and that your energy and input are important. Have confidence in your words.