Horoscope: Wednesday, Oct 16

Daily Horoscope: Wednesday, Oct 16.


Mar, 21 - Apr, 19

Someone will point out where you have been going wrong today and you probably won’t be too happy about it. Be that as it may you would be wise to listen to what they have to tell you. Don’t let your ego override common sense.

It may seem as if Lady Luck has deserted you but it isn’t true. If you ask the universe for assistance over the next 48 hours the universe will surely give it to you, provided of course that it’s what you need and what you deserve.


Apr, 20 - May, 20

This may be an anxious time for you but if you stand back from what’s going on in your life and see it as a whole, rather than focus on isolated experiences, it won’t be so frightening. You are, in fact, making considerable progress.

There will be times today when you want to scream with frustration but as usual you will control yourself and give others the impression that nothing ever fazes you. You may though have to go off by yourself for a while until your anger subsides.


May, 21 - Jun, 20

You cherish your freedom but you have responsibilities too and over the next few days you must knuckle down and do what is expected of you. Social activities may have to take second place now but you will more than make up for it later on.


Jun, 21 - Jul, 22

An invitation to a social event could come today, Cancer, and you probably won't want to go. The people involved may not have anything in common with you, and you'll probably feel the event will be tedious and boring. Nonetheless, there may be business factors involved that could have you thinking you should go anyway. How urgent is the business? How important are the contacts? Think about it before you accept or decline.


Jul, 23 - Aug, 22

The planets indicate that someone you meet on your travels today will turn out to be a very important contact, both on a personal level and professionally. But you won’t get to know them unless you open up a bit. Brush up on your social skills.

Do not allow your emotions to dictate your actions over the next 24 hours. Keep your personal feelings under control at all times and focus only on facts and figures that cannot be doubted. Be resolute, but avoid going over the top in any way.


Aug, 23 - Sep, 22

There is nothing to fear but fear itself and you need to remind yourself of that fact over and over again. Today’s Sun-Mercury link warns if you let your doubts get the better of you then success will continue to elude you. Don’t let that happen.

You have plenty of plans and you honestly believe they will work out in your favor but don’t start counting your chickens before they are hatched. You should know by now that few things in life go by the numbers, not even for those who can count.


Sep, 23 - Oct, 22

Others may try to talk you out of what you are planning but don’t listen to them. Only you know what it is you want out of life and only you know what must be done to make your dreams come true – therefore only your viewpoint counts.

A hasty decision could make you unpopular with partners and colleagues, especially if it costs them money they cannot afford to lose. Easy come, easy go may be the kind of philosophy that inspires you but it could also lose you some important friends.


Oct, 23 - Nov, 21

Wherever you go and whatever you do today people will smile at you and generally do what they can to make life more pleasant. On the work front especially you will be delighted to discover a new spirit of cooperation. Long may it last.

There are some tasks that are too important to be left to other people and the task that is in front of you now is one of them. It may be tempting to sit back while others do the heavy lifting but that could be a huge mistake.


Nov, 22 - Dec, 21

You must not, repeat not, feel sorry for yourself, no matter how many times you are held back from doing what you want to do. Keep plugging away without getting upset and sooner or later you will make the breakthrough you have been hoping for.

You may be outgoing by nature but you can also be touchy about certain things and if someone probes one of your sore spots today you may overreact. That, in turn, will make it easier for your rivals to manipulate you. Don’t let it happen.


Dec, 22 - Jan, 19

You're likely to want to spend some time alone with your partner today, Capricorn, but with the current planetary influences at play, either you or your honey's career concerns could get in the way. An unexpected opportunity needs to be explored right away, so you might not be able to spend any time together now. Contact with friends could also prove frustrating since everyone is busy.


Jan, 20 - Feb, 18

Some fascinating new information, possibly about spiritual or metaphysical matters, could come your way today via books, magazines, TV, or the Internet, Aquarius. This could set you off on a new course of study. Your own insights and revelations could prove invaluable in increasing your understanding of what you read. In the evening, expect a surprising letter or phone call from someone you haven't heard from in a long time. Enjoy your day.


Feb, 19 - Mar, 20

Your passions have been stirring like a caged animal for the past several days, Pisces. Now is the time to let them out. Some of what you express may elicit surprise or disapproval, but that's no reason to stay silent. If you don't express yourself, illness may result. Your goal should be to be true to your inner self. Ultimately, that's the only way to be happy and healthy.