Horoscope: Wednesday, Feb 26
Daily Horoscope: Wednesday, Feb 26.
If you hear something today that you believe can be turned to your financial advantage don’t hesitate to use it. If certain individuals are so stupid as to let slip information they should have kept to themselves that’s their problem, and their loss!
Find a way to let others know that you are not much in the mood for talking or socializing. You don’t have to be rude about it but you do have to make it clear that you are not going to waste your time on trivialities any more.
If a rival throws down a challenge you must pick it up and throw it back at them. You don’t have to be a nice guy all the time and if you start the week in a confident frame of mind others may think twice before taking you on.
Why are you holding back on what you really think and feel? It’s not like you to be so reticent – usually you want everyone to know why you are right and they are wrong. Whatever the reason you’ll make up for it later. You never stay quiet for long.
Family issues will take up much of your time and energy this weekend and you will need to give your nearest and dearest a great deal of affectionate attention. Put your own interests on hold for a while. Love unconditionally and love often.
You may have big ambitions and you may be destined for the top in your chosen field of endeavor, but don’t take too much for granted. If you act in haste over the next few days you may be given the chance to repent at your leisure!
Your powers of persuasion are excellent at the moment and will get even better over the next few days. However, it is important that you use words in ways that not only benefit you but benefit other people as well. Multiple voices are better than one.
You will be even more dynamic today than you usually are, if that is possible. However, be careful what you say in the heat of the moment because you could easily give away a secret it might have been wiser to keep to yourself.
The Sun is coming to the end of its journey through your sign and that means you need to quickly finish a project that has some sort of deadline. Don’t try to do everything, just do the one thing that really matters really well.
You may think you know what is best for a friend but do you? Even if you do, it does not mean you can muscle into their private life and start changing things. Like you they are a free and sovereign individual and you must respect that.
Daydreams full of adventure, perhaps involving travel, could take up a lot of your time today, Libra. You're probably bored with your situation and longing to do something to break your routine. You might have no idea how you can escape from everything right now. Don't force it. Spend the afternoon in a place you don't usually visit. You'll come up with a workable idea in due time. Go for it!
You are on top of your game at the moment, mentally and emotionally, and now a Mercury-Neptune link will help you find answers to even the most difficult of questions. Having said that, not everything in life needs to be explained.
Your imaginative powers are strong at the moment and most likely you will dream up something that others find hard to believe came from your highly logical mind. It doesn’t matter where it came from, it matters only that you are passionate about it.
Having made a promise to someone you must now deliver. It may be a pain and could even cost you money but if you go back on what you said it will cost you much more in the long-term. Your reputation is priceless – don’t put it at risk.
A creative activity of some kind will require a lot more thought and a lot more preparation before you get to the stage where you can be confident of success. Sags generally like to act quickly but on this occasion you must take it slow.
Cosmic activity in one of the more positive areas of your chart will bring the adventurous side of your nature to the fore today. Don’t hesitate to strike out in a completely new direction – you could end up in the land of your dreams!
You need to kiss and make up with those you have fallen out with in recent weeks, because once the Sun leaves your sign in midweek you will have more important things to worry about. You don’t want to be watching your back all the time.
You won’t lack for advice as to how to invest your money this weekend but if you are wise you will ignore it and follow your instincts instead. Only you know what it is that you need, so only you can decide how best to get it.
You know when you are on to a good thing and today’s link between Venus, planet of love, and Pluto, planet of passion, will remind you how lucky you are to have people in your life who truly care. If they’re happy you will be happy as well.